The present-day medicine cabinet needs a major overhaul in most homes, and by taking this course that is offered here, you will learn to use a homeopathic medicine kit for many common accidents and ailments that you and your family may experience …this course can provide tangible health benefits for you and your family…and it may save the average family a great deal of money as well as a great amount of time.
The bottom line is that homeopathic medicines are being used TODAY by hundreds of thousands of physicians and tens of millions of mothers and fathers and individuals who learned how to use a homeopathic medicine kit for treating basic health problems. It is not only important to have a homeopathic medicine kit in the home; it is also important to know how to use it.
This course will teach you how to treat many common health issues, whether it be for various 1st aid ailments of accidents and injuries as well as various acute ailments ranging from colds and coughs to fevers and flus to ear infections and throat infections, menstrual cramps and bladder infections, allergies and headaches, and arthritic conditions and indigestion, amongst many others.
“First, do no harm” was the sage advice given by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. Although this practical advice was originally directed at physicians, it is wisdom for ALL of us, both doctors and patients!
We, as a species, have survived as long as we have because that doctor inside each and every one of us has skills, real skills, at defending itself and healing itself from a variety of infective agents, environmental poisons, psychological traumas, and nutritional stresses. We could not have survived to this very day without the real skills of this inner doctor.
All you need to do is have just ONE experience where you or your child’s flu lasted just 1 or 2 days instead of 4 or 5 days, and this course will have more than paid for itself. Then, if or when you or your child is injured, and the injury is healed a lot faster is when this course begins to give you additional significant dividends. Not only will your family become healthier, but you will have the potential to save a lot less time-off from work or school. Once again, more dividends for YOU!
Numerous surveys have found that people who use homeopathic medicines use conventional drugs a lot less often…and this means that you may not be suffering from as many side effects that these conventional drugs create, some of which are actually worse than the original disease itself. Whether you are into mindful parenting or conscious parenting, you will want to practice “safer” parenting by using homeopathic medicines.
In learning to use a homeopathic medicine kit in your own home, you will immediately become a part of a 200 year tradition that is deep and wide. Homeopathic medicine kits were not just used from the mid-1800s on the American frontier, but even more so by parents in each of the major cities. Virtually every one of the several dozen surveys ever conducted that asked the question of who uses homeopathic medicines consistently discover that the more educated people are, the more likely they are to use homeopathic medicines.
It is therefore not surprising that England’s Royal Family have used a homeopathic physician and a homeopathic medicine kit since the 1830s. Even six Popes during the 19th and 20th centuries used homeopathic medicines and/or gave the highest honors that a Pope can give to a non-clergyman to select homeopathic physicians who used homeopathic medicines to save lives. Can you believe it that some skeptics assert that homeopathy is some type of “new age” treatment? As “new age” as the Queen of England and as the Pope!
Appreciators of mindful parenting, conscious parenting, and natural parenting will LOVE this e-course!
You too can become a part of this international tradition of using safer medicines FIRST to treat many common ailments of members of their family. The future is calling…and it is thanking you for taking this course now.